Endline Evaluation of UNICEF “Strengthening Community Resilience to Climate Change through Improved WASH Services in Turkana County, Kenya (SCORE)” Project
Background to the Project
With support of KOICA, UNICEF implemented a project titled “Strengthening Community Resilience to Climate Change through Improved WASH Services in Turkana County, Kenya (SCORE)”. The overall goal of the project was to strengthen community resilience in the face of natural disasters and climate change through improved access to WASH services, with the objectives stated below.
The goal and objectives were aligned with UNICEF Kenya’s 2018-2022 Country Programme Document (CPD) outcome that aims to increase equitable access to quality WASH services.
- To increase the availability of groundwater for domestic purposes.
- To increase the functionality of rural water points.
- To improve sanitation and hygiene practices in target villages.
- To strengthen institutional and community capacity to prepare for and cope with drought emergencies.
The project aimed to contribute to the Government of Kenya’s commitment to ending drought emergencies by increasing groundwater storage capacity at the community level and strengthening the sustainability of rural water supplies through a performance-based public-private partnership for maintenance service delivery. The project also sought to build capacity to strengthen resilience in the communities.
Purpose of the Endline Survey:
The endline survey of the UNICEF Strengthening Community Resilience to Climate Change through Improved Wash Services (SCORE) Project served to comprehensively assess the project's achievements and approach in Turkana County. The primary focus was to evaluate the effectiveness of mainstreaming cross-cutting issues, specifically climate-resilient water access, sanitation, and the enabling environment. The endline survey aimed to provide insights into the strengths and weaknesses of the project, identify challenges and best practices, and document outcomes to inform similar future programs for climate resilience, particularly in drought-prone counties such as Turkana.