Impact survey on the Effects of AFEX’s activities on smallholder farmers to other players across the commodities value chain in Kenya.

Impact survey on the Effects of AFEX’s activities on smallholder farmers to other players across the commodities value chain in Kenya.


The impact survey is a key part of capturing the quantified effects of AFEX’s activities on stakeholders across all counties of operations in Kenya. In this case, stakeholders can range from smallholder farmers to other players across the commodities value chain. The objective of the survey is to quantify the level of AFEX impact over a timeline. The survey sampling frame was a list of 1,100 farmers comprising of a mix of AFEX and NON-AFEX cohorts. This group of farmers are expected to be called annually to maintain consistency and accuracy in measuring trends over the years across key metrics of the programme.

Data Collection Activities:

The data collection for the impact survey was done through telephone calls that were administered by a team of 4 agents drawn from Firstdata M&E Limited (Nairobi). The questionnaire was developed by AFEX consisting of less than fifty questions per respondent. The survey commenced on Tuesday 22nd August 2023 and ran for 10 days through to Saturday 2nd September 2023. The survey was administered using an integrated system comprising of Afex Workbench, typeform, and Firstdata outbound web telephone surveys system.




Afex Kenya
Afex Kenya


22 February 2018

