Baseline Evaluation of Knowledge, Attitude, Beliefs and Practice Surveys on COVID-19 amongst Cross- Border Populations in Diff and Dadajabulla, Wajir County
Narrative Description of the Project:
UNICEF Kenya with support from European Union through health and socio-economic support to IGAD regions project was intending to partner with the County Government of Wajir and its implementing partners to implement COVID-19 sensitive interventions (Water, sanitation and hygiene, risk communication and community engagement) informed by the national and county COVID-19 emergency response and preparedness policies strategies and framework. UNICEF Kenya through this consultancy aimed to generate a baseline – reference values – on the current knowledge, attitude, beliefs, and practices (KABP) gaps as well as institutional capacity to implement community informed risk communication and community engagement for COVID-19 sensitive interventions.
Description of Actual Services Provided:
• In-depth desk review of available information, policies and legislation and similar studies, including those implemented in Kenya and in countries with comparable cross-border populations and context.
• Following preliminary discussions with the Wajir County Department of Health and UNICEF Kenya, drafting of the inception report, including the details of the proposed methodology to be used
• Thorough preparation for the collection of both secondary and primary data.
• Carrying out data collection using tools including KOBOCOLLECT.
• Submit regular progress reports throughout data collection period.
• Processing of data (data entry, cleaning, and analysis) using the statistical data analysis package as discussed with Wajir County COVID-19 Technical Committee and UNICEF
• Submitting a PowerPoint presentation summarizing key findings after validation of the full report by UNICEF
• Submit a baseline KAPB report to UNICEF Kenya